General Conference

This past weekend was LDS General Conference. I loved it! I always feel more motivated and renewed after conference. I took notes, but just want to share a couple of my favorite quotes that go along specifically with my journey to becoming the woman God designed me to be…

Elder Taylor
-Knowing ‘I am a child of God’ is the most powerful knowledge I posess.
-God sanctifies your most difficult days

Truth! Knowing my divine nature is so important in having self-love and self-worth.
I also love that God will sancitify (bless, consecrate, hallow, purify) hard days. I am expected to endure to the end well and the Lord will make it enough.

Elder Robbins
-Success is going/growing from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm.
-When we are through changing, we’re through. (quote from Elder Packer)

Becoming the woman God designed me to be is a life-long process. I will have successes and failures. But, need to learn from and my failures and continue on without hating myself for them.
I’m not sure where this quote from Elder Packer came from, but I LOVE it! I will never stop changing and trying to better myself!

Massimo de Feo
-As we arise each morning, let us respond with love and kindness to whatever may come our way.
I try and let love be the motivator behind all that I do. If love and kindness are my driving force then I can’t go wrong and I am ok no matter the end result.

I can’t wait to study these messages in more detail. General Conference is such a great time to self-evaluate and improve!