It’s great to be 8! (and 39!)

Camryn was baptized with her cousin Lex on Friday, March 30, 2018. It was a beautiful evening with a great program. Camryn couldn’t smile big enough the whole night! If only we could all feel that way more often. I hope she can keep her confident, loyal and happy spirit always. Camryn is so comfortable with who she is. She loves everything about herself (physically and all). And she should! She doesn’t let things other people may say about her affect her thoughts of herself. If every woman felt the way Camryn feels about herself, there woud be no stopping the force for good! I hope to be like her one day and I hope that she never changes that part of herself!

Her Grandma Jennis told us in her testimony at the baptism that it’s also great to be 67! What an amazing outlook on life! She is another example to me of a woman who is confident in herself and loves her life no matter what!

It’s great to be 39! Life is good.